The Cardi B Divorce will not be happening. Was it just done to teach Offset a lesson???
Welcome back to the Lub Dub Podcast! Today we are discussing the fake out Cardi B Divorce. Well, maybe fake out isn't the best description, but definitely a 180 from Cardi B's previous decision. But thats a good thing right? Black love, finding a way push on!
The Cardi B divorce was similar to many things that Cardi does, loud, public, but always authentic. According to Cardi B's Instagram Live and various social media posts, she admits that at one point she was just tired of the arguing with Offset. It's also been suggested that Offset continues to cheat on Cardi and if true, that must take its toll.
All in all Cardi was able to decide against divorce but as onlookers we can't help but wonder if there are anything ramifications due to her public turmoil and massive platform.
We always, always, always want black love to succeed. Apart of the success seems to include avoiding the messiness that seems to engulf too many relationships in our community.
In today's video, we discuss the Cardi B divorce, her subsequent change of heart delivered on IG live, and whether or not her "teach a mf a lesson" response makes sense.