I want to share something with you. I've dreamed about releasing my first (and subsequent) podcast episodes for at least a couple of years. I knew that the next step was to believe it could happen, but I was not there yet… Fast-forward a couple of years and one morning, I realised that this was it: I believed it could happen; from there, I started acting, and voila: that mountain has been climbed and moving. Thus, my immense excitement to say “WooHoo, it is ready.”
You are very welcome to the first episode of my brand new podcast, The M3 Mile!!!
If you already are one of my M3 Power Community members you know – and if you are new, welcome onboard – that I’m familiar with the following statement and question: “Ok, I get it! Mindset is important, but it is so big, where do I start?”
This is why I’ve built my Mountain Moving Mindset platform on a set of key M3 facets. Focusing on one facet at a time makes working on and mastering your mindset a lot more manageable and effective. These facets are focus areas, which each consists of a series of shifts and strategies to help and support your growth: one shift at a time, one strategy at a time.
In this inaugural episode of The M3 Mile, I kick this first season by sharing with you my #1 M3 facet. It is the one you want to start with: by focusing on it, you’ll soon discover how your behaviours start to align more and more with your goals. Alignment is critical to your success as the more aligned you are, as in, you consciously align your thoughts, your behaviours, your actions towards your goals, the more focused, productive and driven you are with your results.
Access this week’s episode notes: http://frederiquemurphy.com/1-01/