For the first time in 46 years, your taxes in retirement will likely be higher than when you were working.
Why is that?
Americans have accumulated over $32 trillion dollars in retirement accounts that have never been taxed (IRAs, 401(k)s, and other company retirement plans).
And the U.S. government has accumulated a lot of debt, with no plans to curb the spending.
Withdrawals from these tax deferred accounts are subject to whatever tax rates are when you make withdrawals.
This means you are likely sitting on a ticking tax time bomb.
On this week's Marcus Warren Show, we discuss what you can do to plan for higher taxes in retirement.
We also answer your questions about IRMAA, stock market volatility, Social Security taxation, and more.
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Does your retirement need a rescue? Visit to request your copy of Marcus's best-selling book, The Retirement Playbook.