SYNOPSIS In this episode of Marketing RV with Ranalli & Volpe, Laura Kasper of Monarch Staffing talked about hiring practices, how marketing does not just play a role in HR but when done right, is woven into it for maximum results. She also offered great tips by sharing the principles that have made her company successful, such as their core values: integrity, responsiveness, commitment to quality, and community service.
One of the many community service opportunities in which Monarch is currently involved is their very own Walk-In Wednesdays. Seeing a need for recruits to have professional headshots in their LinkedIn and other social profiles, Laura decided to offer free headshots. Candidates and clients can go to several Monarch locations on designated dates for a photo. Information is on their website and Instagram page.
Laura participates conspicuously in local events. One of the most recent and vibrant was the brainchild of her tenacious daughter in the summer of 2018. Entrepreneurs will love the story about how Girls Spark was ignited. After just one conference, the organization received calls from young women in other cities who wanted to learn how to bring the conference to their towns.
The second Girls Spark conference will take place April 25, 2020 at West Chester University. Girls Spark is an official non-profit whose mission is to help girls better navigate the social issues they face in today’s world. The conference boasts keynote speakers and more than a dozen break-out sessions covering topics like peer pressure, emotional intelligence, compassionate action (anti-bullying), social media, etc.
“We want to ignite the spark and keep it going,” Laura said. “Treat the girl in your life to a great day in her life,” One final piece of good news: in response to Gene’s question about when the robots will take over and kill us, Laura emphatically answered, “Never.”
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HIGHLIGHTS 01:26 How large organizations benefit from outsourced HR 02:13 MOD factor: the cost of high turnover 03:56 Unemployment is going up 05:22 Senior staffers are unemployed at higher rates 07:11 Reverse mentorship 09:51 Girls Auto Clinic 11:22 Core values and the community 13:09 Walk-in Wednesdays 15:10 Girls Spark—how it started 23:23 Impressive sponsors, it’s all leg work 24:00 Shout out to Urban Outfitters