We jumped back into MilkPod this week and talked about entrepreneurship. We reminisced about our first year plus of business and how Milk Street grew to what it is today.
It takes a lot of guts to the leap of faith and quit your job to start your own business. Dustin and Ryan shared some motivational content courtesy of Steve Harvey. We talked about “jumping,” as Harvey puts it, versus the due diligence needed before you start your business. There comes a time where you have to stop preparing and stop analyzing and jump right in.
We also talked a lot about funding and reviewed some popular crowd funding platforms like:
KickstarterIndieGoGoWe compared the benefits of using these platforms, finding investors or simply bootstrapping your business.
There are a lot of entrepreneurial ventures that have sprouted up within the Milk Street Marketing family. Ron started Milk Street, Junto music was started by Dustin and so many of our friends and colleagues have started businesses. There is a huge source of pride in building something new and not simply showing up to your 9-5 everyday.
In no way is it easy. In no way is success guaranteed. But there are skillsets and mindsets that can really help you. Patience is critical because there is now way you’ll grow as fast as you think, at least not in the beginning. Persistence is helpful because you’re going to hear no a ton. And then there is the obvious “hustle” trait. There are tons of tools and specific skills you can learn that will help along the way, but nothing can take the place of just getting after it. The getting things done by any means necessary approach can keep your business afloat while you’re still getting your ducks in a row.
We also talked about some of the most common pitfalls and challenges entrepreneurs face. The more you can anticipate these pitfalls the smoother your journey will be! Entrepreneurship has become a bit of a buzzword lately on the internet. But it really is more accessible today than ever before. And this episode can help your journey!
Let us know what you think! And don’t forget to suggest topics for next week’s MilkPod Episode, using #MilkPod on Twitter or dropping us a line!