#21 Become More Creative in Your Relationships and Work with the Author of “1001 Ways to Be Romantic”: Greg Godek
"The shortest definition of 'how to be creative' is Apple's Think Different."
— Greg Godek
Greg Godek (greggodek.com) is a relationship expert who specializes in romantic love, and a creativity expert who specializes in corporate innovation. He is the author of 17 books, including 1001 Ways To Be Romantic, a #1 national bestseller, and the bestselling book of all time on the topic. (Oprah Winfrey's favorite is #584.)
His hilarious Bio 'Greg Godek by the Numbers' is just one small example of his creative ingenuity that you're going to learn about and experience during this episode:
Greg Godek by the Numbers
Greg Godek: 66
Books published: 17
Copies sold: 4,000,000+
Oprah appearances: 1
Leno appearances: 1
Court appearances: 0
New York Times articles: 1
National Enquirer articles: 1
Treks in the Himalayas: 1
Children: 1
Miles traveled in RV, on 2-year book tour: 14,229
Favorite film: 2001
Ways to be romantic: 1001
Foreign translations: 12
Simple Simon stories written: 2,407If you enjoy the podcast please consider joining us in spreading the message: Share this episode with a friend who you know could really be helped by this content or leave a review for the podcast on Apple Podcasts.
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