In this episode Jeanette and Donna chat with Sabrina Zeif, The Midlife Food Guru, about what to eat and what not to eat as we enter menopause.
Sabrina Zeif is the Midlife Food Guru providing food inspiration for midlife, menopause and beyond.
She has a BSc in Biochemistry, diploma in Nutritional Therapy, registered Nutritional Therapist with FNTP, Federation of Nutritional Therapy Practitioners; Accomplished Chef, Presenter, founder of The Menopause Chef and Ambassador for The Real Food Campaign, UK.
Sabrina combines nutrition, menopause knowledge and love for food together to help women embrace change and guide them through their nutritional journey.
Her ultimate passion is bringing eclecticism, fun and connection back to nutrition, food and women’s health, with a focus on menopause.
She approaches food and nutrition as she does life: celebrate and savour!