This show will be centered around Georgia Bulldog football, high school football in the state of Georgia, and recruiting. Guests on the show will include: UGA Coaches, UGA Players, UGA Recruits, UGA Commits, UGA Potential Recruits, Former UGA Players, Scouts/Recruiting Analysts, HSFB Coaches in Georgia, HSFB Players in Georgia and from other states, and many others. The key component of this show is: It's made for the fans! You, the fans, decide where the show goes each night. It's a call-in show and your comments will be live on the air. If you want to brag on a young man in your home town who you believe deserves some "love", you can do it. If you want to discuss the the upcoming schedule of the Bulldogs, you can do it. This is your show! The show is hosted by Mikey Davis. Davis is from Valdosta, Ga where he played high school football, basketball, & baseball. He is 37 years old, happily married to his beautiful high school sweetheart, Sylvia, and he has 3 terrific kids. His radio experience includes having a 2 hour morning sports talk show in Valdosta. His show was on the air for almost 2 years and now he looks to broaden his listener base. Mikey says, "I'm just an idiot punching buttons. The show is driven by the fans of the Georgia Bulldogs and the fans of high school football in Georgia". The Mikey Davis Show airs M - Th from 9:00 - 10:00 PM at