Finding one's true path involves self-discovery and reflection. We need to do all we can to align our skills with action to make solid choices that reflect our true nature and purpose. But it's not always so simple. Women who are frequently caretakers for elderly parents or the primary caregivers of their children face unique challenges that can result in gaps in service impacting their professional lives including pay gaps and gaps in opportunities. They also face another bias (men face it too but statistically later in life) it's the social construction known as ageism. And since I happen to know an expert on this topic, I invited her to join me in conversation to discuss women's challenges along the career path. Our expert today is Helen Sanchez of Tanagui. You may be familiar with Helen since she regularly contributes to Mindful Soul Center magazine. Helen's purpose is to help women over 40 find their value. When we have clear goals and identify our skills & value, we are more likely to make decisions that align with our values leading to a greater sense of satisfaction and meaning in our lives.
In this episode, we discuss:
- ageism
- imposter syndrome
- understanding your value & self-confidence
- the nature of the workplace
- employment gaps & returnships
- importance of professional development & staying relevant
Find more of Helen’s articles here and here.
Expert insights for women on their path to purpose: An interview with Helen Sanchez of Tanagui Career Consultants
Helen Sanchez BioHelen Sanchez is the founder of Tanagui LLC, a career consultancy that helps women over 40 find valuable meaningful work. She has over 40 years of experience in recruiting. She graduated with honours from the College of New Jersey and holds two Bachelor’s Degrees, in both Women & Gender Studies and African American Studies. In 2019 she received the Alice Paul Award for Activism. She is a graduate of the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC).
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Helen’s offerings:Get Helen’s free Job Search Tips & Career Planning Workbook or book a free 15-minute consultation with Helen here.Tanagui Job Search Tips Workbook
Get more information about Helen Sanchez’s and Lynda Smith’s affordable program Building your Legacy Season 50+ which starts later this month. This link will take you to a form for more information.
Get the brochure
Work-lifeEven though there is much more to life than a job, we spend a lot of time at work. And for many people, their work is their legacy, purpose or dharma. Regardless of your gender, in Western culture, work plays an essential role in our lives ranging from our sense of purpose to basic survival and putting food on the table. In the West, a professional person spends approximately 70,000 to 84,000 hours working over their lifetime, depending on the country. In the US, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, individuals spend around 8.5 hours per day in work-related activities, including paid work, commuting, and other work-related activities.
More on PurposeResearch has shown that having a sense of purpose can have a positive impact on both our physical and mental health. People who report having a strong sense of purpose tend to have lower rates of depression and anxiety and are more likely to engage in healthy behaviours like exercise, eating well, and getting enough sleep. They also tend to have stronger social connections and feelings of well-being.
Having a purpose in life can also provide a sense of resilience and motivation during challenging times. Knowing that we have a greater purpose can help us persevere and stay focused on what is important when encountering obstacles or setbacks. Ultimately, having a purpose in life can help us live a more meaningful and fulfilling life contributing to our overall health and well-being.
Music- On Track by Novva
- Come Together by Benson
Music in this episode is licensed to Amy Adams and the Mindful Soul Center. For more information, please email
[email protected]Transcript Check back soon.