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01:45 Weldon’s start in OG esport
04:30 Max would be a teacher outside of WoW
05:15 Max’s identity shift from Player to 21st-man Raid Leader
07:15 How RWF 21st man Raid Leading is like American Football
07:40 The 21st man in WoW versus 6th person in LoL or CS:GO
09:33 Good players are not automatically good coaches
12:10 Why sport psychology is more important in esport than traditional sport
14:50 Max meeting sport psychology trainers at 100T and Team Liquid
15:20 Esport is ahead of traditional sport in sport psychology
17:00 Gaming houses get a bad rap
18:15 Max explains the difference in skill profile between RWF, MDI, and PvP
23:10 What kind of raider could transfer well to PvP. How you click your mouse matters!
26:25 The first hurdle Limit had to jump over to stream RWF
27:55 What a RL should say to support players getting reemed by Twitch chat
28:35 Limit’s unique guild mindset
29:50 Why Limit is like the St. Olaf Choir
31:35 Max insists there has to be a culture of skill parity for his culture to succeed, and he was a vocal performance major
32:35 How the RWF is like speed running
33:45 How Echo’s culture is different than Limit’s
35:35 If Max is tilted, the pull will fail. That’s a different person in each guild.
36:45 Internal performance is probably identical in top guilds
38:05 Informal Team Role Mapping for elite esport teams and now Max is going to do this with Limit
43:30 Max 3 years ago in limit wore too many hats
46:10 How to identify informal roles as a sport psychology trainer
47:20 Max knows how much each of his guildmates is worth, especially Shakib
47:25 Shakib’s role on limit
48:00 Max is going to analyze his guild roles now
49:00 Bad team members don’t make it to limit’s level
51:00 Max thinks echo chambers are dangerous
52:45 Conflict is essential in high performance teams
59:45 Consistent breaks between pulls
1:03:05 This is why we have incorporated more breaks
1:03:05 FFXIV has different raiding culture than wow
1:05:00 We don’t want to be the guild that sleeps and then the boss dies
1:05:10 Why we stopped chain pulling
1:06:05 Why space between pulls matters for the brain to raise the importance of each pull
1:09:10 Why VoD review might work well for learning in esport
1:10:45 Why Max uses VoD review
1:11:45 For the amatuer players
1:13:05 When should, or how should, we take improvisational breaks?
1:16:10 Identify why you need a break, and tailor the break to fit it
1:17:25 Swedish Female Soccer and Esport Injuries
1:21:00 You can raid with a teammate for years and never know them
1:22:05 Team Building means getting to the point where you would bench yourself for being bad before hiding your mistake to protect yourself
1:24:00 Should we walk to the venue? Why were the morning pulls better when we walked to the venue?
1:29:00 Reaction speed is not as important in wow
1:30:45 Does sleep help motor learning?
1:33:45 Sleeping during a season, versus sleeping during a tournament like RWF
1:37:55 The best pulls of our day are the first ones before lunch
1:38:55 Maybe more gamers have ADHD
1:40:30 When to call it as a raid leader
1:40:45 What went wrong with our 20 hour Uldir raid
1:43:15 Keeping clean comms as a raid leader
1:50:45 Max’s worst moment in all of sponsors