Your Dream Business

The mindset shifts that will stop you from starting and growing your email list

04.25.2022 - By Teresa Heath-WareingPlay

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In today’s episode of the podcast I talk about mindset when it comes to email list building and how you can overcome some of those blocks you may have and start growing your email list.




Building your email list does come with some financial and time investment – it is not a 5 minute task and does require a bit of effort and money.

Once you know the process and have set it all up – it is done!

If you tell yourself you can’t do something, you won’t!

If you don’t know how to do something right now, you can learn to with step-by-step steps.

When it comes to promoting your lead magnet, you have to keep on promoting it! You can’t just put it out once and expect people to keep signing up.

Don’t be scared to post your lead magnet multiple times - You have something that is going to help them. You are adding value to them for FREE!

If you’re not talking about your lead magnet – no one is going to join your list!

If you don’t help them – someone else will.

It is not about the size of your email list! Think about them as real people – imagine what 100 people in your house would look like!

Your numbers are not a reflection of the effort you put in.

If you only email out once a month – that’s only 12 a year!!

As your list grows you can increase the frequency – make sure to communicate this with your list and give them a chance to opt out if they want to.

You are not bothering people by emailing your list – they have signed up and can unsubscribe any time.

Don’t worry about unsubscribes – you don’t know why they have unsubscribed and it is not a reflection of you or your content.




No matter how big your list is – start emailing them from the very start!




The mindset shifts that will stop you from starting and growing your email list




Build My List Course




Hello and welcome back to the podcast. How are you doing this week?

I hope you're good. So we've been having a bit of a, if you're following me on social and on emails, we're having a bit of a discussion about emails because it's so very important. It's the best thing for your business. Seriously, the best thing. And because I teach this a lot, I can really be practical about how to build an email list, what you do with it, how you get people on your list, how you attract the right people, how you then email them, what you send them, how often.

And we have all these kinds of really practical conversations, but having taught this for a long time and having had lots of students go through build my list, which is my course that teaches you how to start your email list, including all the tech. If you wants to check that out go to

I have come to learn and know that this whole process is not just about you doing the practical sides. I know that this is a lot of mindset stuff as well. And it comes up in varying different places. So I'm going to like, just talk through some of those places where I see it come up and just give you my thoughts on how you can manage that mindset.

So I think the first thing I see when I talk about list building is the investment in it. And I mean, both from a financial and a time point of view, I think there's a lot of people out there who talk about list building. Like it's super simple, it's really easy. And therefore that might in your head, make you think, well, I...

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