Murder Hobo RPG Show is a podcast about role playing games. We pretend to know what we are talking about, but mostly just make fart jokes and say really dumb things.
In this episode Uncle Jay and myself talk about pinnacles new crowdfunding site, ICRPG Master Edition soon coming out, JC Thompsons almost fully funded stingers and spores and mostly throw shade at the fn ENNIES...
Plug us into your ear holes and let the stupidity sway you into a false sense of safety and comfort.
This podcasts is edited from our twitch stream. You can watch us live every second Wednesday at
Show Note Links (Leaving in links from Previous Episodes) :
- Injuries and vile deeds kickstarter
Free audio book from Pinnacle - Last Parsec - Clear understanding of honorFour Horsemen UniverseFantasy AGE - Trojan WarJupiters Legacy TV SeriesArmy of DeadCall of Cthulu Minis for 3D PrintingNewest Bundles of Holding stuff.. Coriolis and Tales from the LoopTales from the Trail AGAIN KickstarterArkenforge Sci Fi KickstarterCitizens Divided - Cyberpunk for Savage WorldsBig Apple Sewer Samurai for Savage WorldsTales from the Trail - The After Kickstarter3D Printable Sci-Fi Terrain KickstarterColossal Miniatures KickstarterGhost Ops Second Strike Kickstarter3D Printable Terrain KickstarterRob2eDungeon AlchemistMonstrous Encounters 3D printed miniaturesHeroForge TTS Import VideoFantasy Map Generator.THE AFTERIcons Assembled Green Ronin StoreWorld of LazarusThe Drowned WarVampire the MasqueradeTorg Eternity North AmericaMonster Fight Club TerrainWORLD WIDE WRESTLING SECOND EDITION100 Weird Widgets on DriveThru50 Fathoms Fire and Earth on DriveThruTRICUBE TALESJumpCorps Guide to Interstellar SalvageDragon Mag #76 "The Ecology of the Beholder",Lost Colony Kickstarter INFOSavage Worlds Holiday Themed AdventuresHow Orcus Stole Christmas a 5E adventureGoodman Games holiday adventures DCC/MCCDungeon Magazine Episode 37Never Tell me the ODDS - PWYWCryptids of North America - WerewolfBEARCATS on DRIVETHRUOut of the Box: Encounters 5EGrim Hollow Campaign Setting 5ELady Redbeard... Oh YEAHImmersive D&D Adventure BoxesMulticlass by Class - Bell of Lost SoulsCreature Feature Quarterly Vol 5Delayed Blast GameMasterMoebius Deck of WondersGuardians of Umbra - Savage Worlds SettingPulp Fantastic - Savage World SettingDrive Thru Rpg Christmas in July SaleThe Murder Hobo Show (YouTube TTS Videos)
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