In this episode, we hear from Sarah Gardner, MSW, Director of Clinical Services at the Center for Child and Family Traumatic Stress at Kennedy Krieger Institute and a funded member of Family Informed Trauma Treatment (FITT) Center at the University of Maryland. Sarah’s area of expertise is intergenerational trauma patterns and engaging families who have experienced marginalization related to racism, poverty, and other negative social conditions. She has been a part of the Network since 2003 and is the developer of FamilyLive, an innovative family therapy model which helps caregivers with trauma histories develop parenting skills. Since joining the Network, Sarah has played important roles in the NCTSN, including as a former longtime co-chair of the Partnering with Youth and Families Collaborative Group where she worked to help develop and disseminate a number of key products including, Sharing Power: A Tool for Reflection, What's SHARING POWER Got to Do with Trauma-Informed Practice?, and Compensation for Family and Youth Involvement: Why It’s Critical.