Starfish. That name is beguiling and it kind of hints at magic—as if they had spent their allotted time in the heavens and then retired and fizzled down to a sparkling plunge in the sea. Why do they want to trade neighborhoods? Is the ocean a more inviting place than space?
Occasionally starfish wash up on shore so we can look at their helpless estate. Their rosy and golden hues make them look like water colored accents on our sandy shores. On closer inspection, their arms are limp and soggy underneath. A few tube-like feet on their underside may wave at us in defenseless resignation.
And usually we are moved to throw them back into the sea. It seems the right thing to do. They are the darlings of beach-combing parents with their children because we know we can touch, pick up, and examine starfish without fear. They are the lumpy but quaint accessories that charm our coastlines.
The sea star despite its docile looks and charming shape is a powerful predator. I talk about how they crack open tough shells and how we too, can crack open tough situations with persistent prayer.
Did you know the Berlin Wall came down as a result of persistent prayer? It wasn't about Reagan and Gorbachev, it was about a little pastor on the East German side praying diligently. And then the whole community began to pray. Then they took to the streets....and well, you know the rest. But you'll hear about all of this on the show.
Also, I have a cute poster you can download for free. It has a watercolor starfish and a reminder about persistent prayer.