The New Builders Podcast is back after a short hiatus with great content from all over the data universe. We’re joined in this episode by Kelsey Hightower, open source advocate, Go expert and Kubernetes guru, to discuss k8s.
Kelsey opens up the conversation with his background, how he found Kubernetes while working at CoreOS, and what caught his eye four years ago during DockerCon (5:01). Kelsey talks shop with JP Phillips, platform engineer at Compose, about keeping up with what’s happening in the world of Kubernetes, and Kelsey gives recommendations for how to stay on top of the ever-changing Kubernetes projects and release updates (6:00).
From there, they discussed the recently released version 1.9 (8:21), initializes and Istio (9:38), Kelsey’s go-to database (11:38), his thoughts and hesitations around running databases with Kubernetes (13:38), modern ideas of serverless on services like Heroku and AppEngine instead of jumping straight into Kubernetes (17:43), and how listeners can get involved with Kubernetes and the Kubernetes community (22:04).
You can find new episodes of The New Builders on iTunes, SoundCloud and developerWorks TV. Find out more about IBM Watson Data Platform Contact hosts Jim Young and Thom Crowe on Twitter (@JW_Young, @thomcrowe) or email ([email protected], [email protected]).