RELATIONSHIPS OF DESTINY | Love and Relationships: You were sent into the world for a greater purpose, a greater purpose that you have not yet discovered. This greater purpose is held within a deeper Knowledge within you, within a deeper Intelligence within you called Knowledge. It will emerge when you are ready to participate within it, and when you have come to realize and experience the deeper need of your soul—to know your purpose, your meaning and your true direction in life.
This greater purpose is with you. You cannot change it, but how and when it will emerge is dependent upon the circumstances of your life, upon the decisions that you make and upon your changing environment.
You are carrying this purpose within you, even at this moment. It is a gift from God to the world. It will be given where it is most needed. And it will be your great joy to contribute this gift because it will affirm your design, and it will affirm the purpose and the value of your life.
Your greater purpose is specific to involve certain people and certain situations. It will call certain people to you who are destined to be a part of this greater purpose and who are destined to support it in one way or another. Some of these people will come into your life only temporarily, and others will come to take a greater journey with you.
Marshall Vian Summers
on October 27, 2008
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