If you're on the excellent and noble journey to break free from the grips of porn, there’s one truth you can’t ignore: you will have to face temptation—again and again. It’s not a matter of if but when. You WILL feel that pull, that craving to turn to porn.
And you will feel it hundreds, if not thousands of times.
I call this the "frontline" of your freedom journey.
The great news is, anyone can learn how to effectively, repeatedly handle the frontline temptation, and come out victorious on the other side.
And, you can learn how to do it in a way where it actually becomes a skill that you get better and better at.
After struggling with porn for over 20 years, it was learning this skill that finally freed me and catapulted me into the exhilarating freedom that I'm living in now.
How do you learn this skill? There are three essential pieces that you need in place (The Frontline Framework).
The first essential piece of The Frontline Framework is a PLAN. But not just any plan. You need a plan that is practical, repeatable, and EFFECTIVE.
When you have a predetermined, effective plan, you go from unsure...to unshakable.
In this episode, you're going to walk away equipped with a clear plan that is not only practical, but it specifically addresses the direct cause of the behavior you desperately want to stop.
Freedom is possible for you, and it all starts with the right plan!
Download your free plan here!