Desmond Dekker
Creative, playful, professional
Technology and people are my most important areas of interest. With over 10 years of experience in the tech sector, ranging from gaming (Spil Games) to telecommunication (KPN), I have experienced the digital transformation up close. Continuously puzzling how we can make technology better, better and easier for people is a fantastic journey. I have been fortunate to have been able to hold various positions in partnership management, business development, Marketing, Coaching, Product Ownership, etc. and have further developed my expertise.
In recent years I have got a very smile to guide groups of people in their journey towards self-organization. This ensures fairness, transparency and allows us to do better tomorrow. In addition, this offers an opening to developing more solid ties between people and creating an environment where people want to be a part.
Many companies have become very agile on the product in recent years, but not on how they are organized. In many cases, the organizational structure on paper does not reflect how we are actually organized. In addition, it is often unclear how you can change the organizational structure and, more importantly, who can change it. There is a lot of knowledge in people about what we can try out, how we can do it differently, what we have to stop doing, what roles we need, etc.
I would like to help you to break open and use that knowledge, so that your organizational structure adapts optimally.
Holacracy, Sociocracy 3.0 and own experiences
Customized self-organization
After years of experience running large experiments based on self-organization and self-management (Holocracy, Sociocracy 3.0), I quickly discovered that there is no one size fits all model. That is why my self-organization model is based on modules. The basics are quick to learn and each team decides which modules best suit their situation.
Co-creation is key
We'll do it together!
Self-organization and self-management starts with yourself. And you are the one who can best estimate what your teams need.
That's why I believe more in a co-creation. I help you people, so that your teams as a whole grow independently and can constantly change. I will only be successful if you are completely self-managing, so also without me!
Self-organization trip
5 steps to more autonomy
Co-creating building blocks
Circles start autonomously