A recurring theme of late is that people are tired of seeing carbon copy after carbon copy of sameness 'out there' when it comes to their industry and the people who are out there marketing themselves and their services.
I mean, aren't we all sick and tired of seeing the same boring-ass 'famous people' quotes on pastel backgrounds with thing cursive fonts? Yep. Same.
I was chatting with a kickass business woman yesterday about this exact thing. Whilst there may be (maybe at a stretch) a place in the newsfeed for that kind of thing, it gets scrolled past pretty quickly. There's a 2 second - at best - spark of attention and bam, you're gone from their eyeballs and their minds.
What does this mean for YOU?
Well, it means that we have less time now than ever before to capture attention and to make an impact on someone.
It means that you need to be really really clear about what makes you different.
It means you have to be innovative and come up with new ways of saying things that your audience needs to hear.
It means you're actually going to HAVE TO find a way to articulate your own zone of genius, your own intellectual property (IP) and you're going to have to be more brave than ever before!
For me: I do not want to be lumped ok the same bucket as everyone else in this industry. I want to be seen as different. As someone who has experience and tenacity.
Catch up on the replay of The Coffee Run (Ep630) today for a bit more of a discussion about that and be sure to let me know your thoughts and what you're working on and even how you're dealing with this.
The more we talk about it, the more we are able to help more people.
Have a great day and a great week.
Chat soon,
Nicola 💋⚡️
Remember: It's time. Right now. To get out there.
Go help some people.
⚡️The World Is Ready For Your Brand of Awesome⚡️