The Obelisk / Nox Mente

The Obelisk / Nox Mente

By Jerry Cthulhu and Niish

Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality

What's The Obelisk / Nox Mente about?

The Obelisk is our new show. The show will run each month on the week when the Moon is full. Our format includes chit-chat, astroweather forecasts, news of the weird, guest conversation and then maybe live call-ins!

Nox Mente is our old show dedicated to exploring consciousness through dreams, dreaming, and dream theory using a wide angle lens. We have opened up this conversation to a diverse world of dreamers. Our goal is to help in the process of bringing conscious intent to the state of dreaming — light to the shadowy corners of this experience we all have access to, each time we drift off to sleep.

We strive to maintain an open and neutral environment as hosts. There are many theories on the process of dreaming and altered states, and we want to hear them all. No information is irrelevant when it comes to dreams. It is in the overlap of individual experiences that we find pathways into the thinking and journeys of the collective.

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The Obelisk / Nox Mente episodes: