Here is a list of words and phrases we used in the show:
文章 (Wénzhāng): Wen Zhang (a Chinese actor) 马伊琍 (Mǎyīlí): Ma Yili (a Chinese actress) 劈腿 (Pītuǐ): two timer or have an extra marital affair 小三 (Xiǎosān): mistress 且行且珍惜 (Qiěxíng qiě zhēnxī): to cherish 好男人 (Hǎo nánrén): a good man 姐弟恋 (Jie dì liàn): an older woman dating a younger man 微博 (Wēi bó): Weibo 睁一只眼闭一只眼 (Zhēng yī zhī yǎn bì yī zhī yǎn): to keep an eye open and the other closed, i.e. to tolerate some kind of behavior 道德 (Dàodé): moral 老公 (Lǎogōng): husband 老婆 (Lǎopó): wife 家庭 (Jiātíng): family