It's biblical, it's nutritious and it is a key ingredient in many cuisines, including Italian, Spanish, Greek and Middle Eastern. Figs are an ancient fruit that can be enjoyed fresh, dried, fermented and cooked. The United States of America is ranked 3rd in world for production for dried figs with an annual volume of approximately 11,000 tons. While figs are grown in many parts of the United States, California produces 100% of the nation's dried figs and 98% of the fresh figs. It is a fruit that is truly sustainable! Tune in to this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, as host, June Stoyer, talks to Karla J. Stockli, Chief Executive Officer, of the California Fig Advisory Board, California Fresh Fig Growers Association and the California Fig Institute. Karla will talk about fig production in the United States, history of figs, how figs are grown and how to differentiate the flavor of some of the common varieties. Stay tuned! If you are not receiving our most recent interviews, please re-subscribe to our new Official RSS feed on iTunes, Youtube or you can visit our podcast archives at ©2014 All Rights Reserved.