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<img decoding="async" width="125" height="125" data-tf-not-load src="https://www.geekazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/drbill-125x125.gif" alt="Dr Bill the Computer Curmudgeon" class="wp-image-13663" srcset="https://geekazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/drbill-125x125.gif 125w, https://geekazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/drbill-250x250.gif 250w, https://geekazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/drbill-36x36.gif 36w, https://geekazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/drbill-115x115.gif 115w" sizes="(max-width: 125px) 100vw, 125px" />Dr Bill the Computer Curmudgeon
Episode 5 of the OTT gets us the news we are officially on iTunes. Add us (link below). We also got our first viewer mail. It’s from Dr. Bill, the computer curmudgeon. He wants to give out a tip for those using the Roku.
Did you know you can get more content than what’s in the channel store? Applications on Roku can be Public or Private. If they are private, you have to call up a special spreadsheet and get the codes so you can get them on your Roku.
These channels are mostly beta channels, but you could easily have content that doesn’t show up in the normal store. In looking at the newest content, I noticed a couple erotic channels on the Roku. Of course, you need to get subscriptions to use the channels.
Enter the channel code at (THIS LINK NO LONGER AVAILABLE)
YouTube and uStream channels are available through this method. There is also a channel that lets you pull from your home network media.
Subscribe to the OTT – Subscribe to the OTT via iTunes
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The post OTT #5: Roku Secret Channels appeared first on Geekazine.