Mary Sutherland is an author and researcher focusing her work on consciousness studies, ancient history and unusual phenomena. She is a “hands on” researcher and the creator of, one of the largest website on the internet with hundreds of pages providing information on the paranormal, UFOs, ancient races and their cultures, sacred sites and power points of the world, underground tunnels and cave systems, dimensional worlds , metaphysics, etc. The governor of Kentucky commissioned her as a ‘Kentucky Colonel” for her work on the ancient sites of Kentucky. For the last 5 years, she has been exploring, mapping and documenting the ancient underwater structures of Rock Lake – near Aztalan. For the last fourteen years she has been documenting the ancient sites around Burlington, WI.
Truth is her passion. She believes it is through truth that we will break ourselves free of our present entanglements in life. When we become free, we will create our own ‘personal story’ of the ‘hero’s journey’ suggested by Joseph Campbell.
Author of
Living in the Light; Believe in the Magic
Mysteries, Exploring the Mysteries of Burlington and Southeastern Wisconsin
Revelations; Truths Revealed
Lost in Time; In Search of Ancient Man
The Red Haired Giants; Atlantis in North America
Haunted Burlington Wisconsin
Mary also does Haunted and Sacred Site tours . World-known for discovering the Burlington Vortex and the Haunted Woods of Burlington.