Welcome to the latest in new shows from the iACast network. It’s called the PawdCast, and it will be a monthly show featuring topics of interest to service animal users, with a focus on guide dogs. What a better way to start off the show than to talk about identification and its implementation in the United States and Canada. To do that, we brought in Aleeha Dudley, Anne Currie, Buddy Brannan, Dan Hart, Lyn Frison, and Matt Dierckens. We begin by discussing the many different forms of legislation surrounding service animals. In the US, there is the Americans with Disabilities act, the Fair Housing Act, and the Air Carrier access act. We also discuss legislation in Canada, but this podcast by no means describes the law for every province, as that is how the legislation has been constructed. A helpful resource for researching this legislation can be found here. The second part of the podcast deals with identification and its implementation, and how that could be catastrophic for handlers in the United states, as well as how it works in Canada. Buddy mentions an article on Growing Up Guide Pup that discusses this issue. Finally, we wrap up with a couple of resources. NAGDU Guide & Service Dog advocacy & Information on the App Store (don’t worry, the app will receive an update prior to iOS 11)
Frequently Asked Questions about Service Animals – ADA.gov. Credit goes out to Andre Louis for the intro and outro for this episode. We hope you enjoy this new show, and please feel free to email us at [email protected] with suggestions for future pawdCasts.