The MLM That's Named After A Scripture, Thirty One Gifts-Jena's Story My guest day wanted to add this. “One major emotional manipulation that took me a while to catch onto was one of the worst, in my opinion. It's the speakers they choose for events like conferences, summits, retreats, and leadership gatherings. The message is always the same: You feel like a big loser. You think you aren't good enough. You compare yourself to everyone around you and don't measure up. You aren't pretty / popular / successful / the best. .....but if you work harder, this will all go away! You'll be cured of your notgoodenoughness! You'll be better than the woman you're so jealous of! You'll be successful! Make three contacts a day, wear branded bling shirts, use every product we sell, post on social media 5 times a day, form a mastermind group with your also-less-fortunate peers, read my book, write #bossbabe on your bathroom mirror... But here's the this message really for you? It wasn't for me. I didn't feel like crap about myself. I don't consider myself a loser. I am successful. I'm not comparing myself to everyone around me. It took at least 3 or 4 years of these speakers for it to hit me...why am I coming to these events to hear these people tell me they understand that I am a big dumb loser head? Why is this so depressing? Why were the women on my team laughing and smiling when we walked in here, but now halfway through this speaker, they're sobbing into tissue and taking copious notes and getting out their phones to order the book? They didn't feel like crap about themselves until this woman told them they did; what in the hell was happening? I've walked out of so many of these events because I couldn't take another minute of these speakers poking at wounds that didn't exist. I didn't have a sob story. I wasn't depressed. These messages weren't for me...and those messages were the only ones I ever heard in my MLM experience.” Podcast information, including the podcast's social media, can be found here: My Socials: Do you see someone that’s with an MLM making a false claim? Report here Or go to Not in the US? Report here Section 107 of the Copyright Act provides the statutory framework for determining whether something is fair use and identifies certain types of uses—such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research—as examples of activities that may qualify as fair use. Everything in this recording my based on my own research and is my opinion. Thanks for being a part of the AntiMLM Community. This episode is sponsored by Anchor.