The podcast works through the opportunities in the dizzying alphabet soup of the reforms to the Use Classes Order, with Sheridan Treger, Giles Pink, Clare Eccles, Rebecca Chambers, Jessica Lowe and Joseph Tyler of BCLP joined by John Sayer of CBRE and Sarah Bevan of London First. As the UK planning system tries to manage the evolution of Britain’s high streets whilst allowing the business models of the 21st Century to revitalise sectors worst hit by Covid, who will be the winners and losers in this all important game of Use Classes Bingo?
What does it all mean for landlords with high street portfolios, tenant unit operators and developers trying to deliver new mixed use schemes? There’s a quick refresh on how the use classes system works and why it matters commercially. We set out the headline changes to the Use Classes Order, focusing on the new composite use class E for commercial, business and services. We interrogate what this means for Local Plan retail frontage policies restricting Town Centre uses and using the changes to remove existing restrictive planning conditions/obligations on use. There are top tips on applying for a Class E permission and a look at hidden consents needed to benefit from the flexibility of Class E.