Dr. Amy V. Uhrin is the Chief Scientist of NOAA's Marine Debris Program. Their work routinely supports marine debris research through grants and outreach and Dr. Uhrin oversees their research priorities.
To explore some other resources on the global plastic pollution issue please visit www.theplasticshift.com.
To learn more about the NOAA Marine Debris Program's work, you can visit their website (https://marinedebris.noaa.gov)
- They offer grants to researchers and institutions at https://grants.gov/web/grants/search-grants.html?keywords=marine%20debris
- Results from research they fund is available at https://clearinghouse.marinedebris.noaa.gov
- Publicly-available research from all of NOAA is available at https://repository.library.noaa.gov/
- NOAA also has science-related webinars about their work for the public at https://nodc.noaa.gov/seminars/
The visuals in this podcast are created with MusicVid (musicvid.org)
The music used was created by Joseph McDade (https://josephmcdade.com/)
This interview was recorded on Sep. 22, 2020