This week, to wrap up season 7, Lasya chats with Deepti, an incoming M1, from the University of Michigan. At the time of the podcast, she had just submitted her application, and she breaks down each of her 4 years in undergrad. She shares how at first she struggled to balance her clinical activities and school but later found methods that worked for her and ended up doing very well. Not only does she discuss academics, but she also talks about the variety of experiences she took part in such as study abroad. Looking back on her journey, Deepti shares what she is glad she did but also what she wishes she did differently. Ultimately, her journey resulted in multiple acceptances!
The information in this podcast could be especially helpful to incoming undergraduate freshmen who hope to be premed, as it lays out what to expect during every year of your premed experience. It can also be especially helpful for premeds who are unsure about whether they want to take a gap year or not, as Deepti talks about why she chose to take a gap year before applying.
If you are interested in the MCAT retake course that was mentioned during the episode, make sure you visit / and use discount code "PREMEDPERSPECTIVE" for 20% off of your purchase