So I’m launching a new season of the podcast — with a twist.
It’s going to have a new name — The Psychology of Weight Loss.
Why psychology you ask?
Because weight loss is a soft skill where how you behave is way more important than what you know.
And behaviour is hard when emotions get in our way.
The goods news is we can learn to think greater than our emotions so we don’t get derailed on our weight loss journey.
I know this first hand.
I was an utter failure at this weight loss thing for the first 53 years of my life.
And I can also tell you with absolute certainty that if you don’t like what you look like, it will negatively impact how you show up in every other area of your life.
I finally figured some things out that have allowed me to lose almost 45lbs and get to 9.6% body fat at 57 — an age people think such things are not possible.
But here’s what makes my approach different from everyone else…
* I don’t restrict calories (2200/day)
* All my meals spark joy
* I only do 10 minutes of training a day
* I don’t go to a gym
* I do mostly body weight exercises
* I train in the clothes I’m wearing
* I don’t break a sweat
* I don’t do cardio
* Everything I do is simple
* It works no matter where my feet are
* I don’t take supplements
* My only expense is the food I buy
* I treat myself every single day
Here is the best part about all those I just listed — it puts me in the 1% of the 1% because I have sustained that success for the last 1217 days.
Ideas worth stealing…
I am going to use the show to take you inside my head and share how I think about the things that trip most people up.
And it won’t just be psychology.
Habits and mindsets also play a critical role in my success and I will be offering insights on how I have successfully transformed each of those on my journey.
Here’s a master list of topics I will be sharing insights on…
* Psychology
* Habit design and development
* Mindset design
* Languaging - Talking successfully
* Systems, frameworks and mental models
* False beliefs
* Measurement and self-management
* Writing for weight loss
* Weight loss laws
* Simplicity
* Continuous self-improvement
* Deliberate practice
* Neuroplasticity
* Decision making
* Self-discipline
* Resilience/failure recovery
* 10-minute training
* Sparking joy
* Strategies to think greater than your emotions
There will be plenty of ideas worth stealing.
Episode Notes…
So let’s break down today’s show,
Here are a few big ideas I talk about that you will want to be listening for, taking notes on and stealing for yourself.
* The 20/80 Rule.
* Why I am qualified to talk about the psychology of weight loss.
* How my failed podcast efforts parallels failing at the weight loss journey.
* Explain what a Big Domino Mindset is.
* Introduce the phrase “cautious optimism” and explain what it is and why it is important.
* Why having a healthy obsession for succeeding at weight loss is essential.
* How I landed on the name for the show.
* Resource I reference — The Psychology of Money.
* Why we have to learn to think greater than our emotions.
Enjoy my friend.
To thinking greater than your emotions,
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