We are sending out this Season Finale on the longest night before the new decade; it seems that we are in synchronicity with the cycle of seasons and politics and history. (Synchronicity is an idea of Carl Jung’s, but we’ll have to get to him next Season!)
In this episode, we leave our familiar territory in the Psyche, the Mind, and travel over to the other side, the Soul. We go back to the 16th century and a short, Spanish monk named John. John of the Cross is the author of the Dark Night of the Soul, a phrase used by many, but fewer are aware of its origins.
The Dark Night of the Soul has lessons for us in contemporary times. It teaches us when to go into pain, and not to run from suffering. It tells us that it is the search for Love, not the certainty that we have found it, that leads us to our highest Self. Above all, it tells us to embrace Mystery.
And with this final episode on the Winter Solstice of 2019, we wish everyone a profound Dark Night, and to remember that the Light is already starting to grow again.