There is tons of information out there in the vastness of the internet. There is so much free content out there that can really be helpful to get you started. But that’s the thing. It’s there to get you started. If you’re someone that is constantly consuming free content, you might just be addicted to the free swag. The free swag will only get you so far my friends. It’s time to think about if it’s time to invest in yourself and your organization!
But Who Am I?
Hi! I'm Lisa Clark and I help nonprofits and fundraisers like YOU raise money through events so you can meet your annual revenue goals! I'm also the host of a free Facebook Group, Raising with Lisa Clark, a free group for fundraisers, NPOs, development team members, volunteers, and supporters. I included a link below so you can request to join right away!
Link to Join Facebook Group:
What Is Swag?
We’ve all received some sort of swag. From little stress balls, cooling packs, to pens, we’ve all gotten little freebies from different organizations or businesses. Companies push out swag in order to attract people to them. They want to attract you so that they can get to know who you are and pitch a product or service to you. Others use it as a thank you and they want to be the brand in your home and in your life. It’s a way to get their name in front of your face so it stays in the forefront of your mind. Sometimes you get things that are super useful and practical. Other times it’s just a bunch of junk collecting in a corner that you never look at. A lot of it just simply provides you very little value.
Soaking In The Free Content
I know there are a lot of you out there that are taking in a lot of free content or swag out there on the internet. You watch the free webinars, watch all the videos, but don’t commit to buying the product. The free content that people are posting online is to attract you to their community or product, where you’ll get even more tools. Something that will give you incredible value. This free content that you are consuming is great to get you started, but is it really the way to go?
Piecing This Together
Take all the free content in the world, can be beneficial. DOn’t get me wrong gaining knowledge is something that I can only commend. However, if you’re trying to piece together everything in your nonprofit from free content, it’s going to show. It’s going to be apparent that you’ve pieced this together, and while it has some value it needs more.
Investing in your Organization
If you’re stuck in this “free zone” within your organization, I have to encourage you to invest in it. Putting money into your organization to move it forward can result in a bigger payoff for your organization in fundraising, or just help you move the needle to make it better. Looking to the experts in this field will help you build strategies to continue to grow and become bigger and better! Also, it’ll take the stress off you feeling like you are missing that missing piece you keep searching for.
Look to the people that have been in this game for a while now. You don’t have to make the same mistakes. You can learn from them. You don’t have to keep feeling alone in this. You can invest in yourself and your nonprofit to take the next big step.
If you’ve been thinking about investing in my course “Fundraising Events that Deliver” now is the time to do it! The price right now is $497, but that is going to go up SOON! New material and resources are going to be added soon that you will get access to, but once it’s there, there will be an increase in price. Now’s the time to get access to my full system to create successful events, and have the opportunity to pick my brain when it comes to your specific event. I can’t wait for you to join me!
Click here for more info:
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