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By Juliette Schraauwers
The podcast currently has 10 episodes available.
In this episode, I dive deep into my unconventional, holistic approach to breastfeeding, sharing the challenges I faced and the powerful lessons I learned along the way. We explore how embracing a mindful and intuitive connection with your baby can transform the breastfeeding experience, even when the journey is far from easy. I also discuss insights from Dr. Ilse Rayen's groundbreaking book on maternal and child health, which has profoundly influenced my perspective.
If you're passionate about rethinking traditional parenting approaches and want to be part of a community that empowers the next generation, join my Childhood Changemakers Academy at Don’t forget to check out Dr. Ilse Rayen’s book mentioned in this episode to deepen your understanding of holistic parenting.
I can’t hear what they say anymore, I feel like I am floating through the operating room. And then the screen opens up and there he is, our baby, the soul that has safely been growing inside my womb for 39 weeks. I hear one small cry and then it stops. They take him away to another table outside my view and I see 6 people including my partner surrounding to table. I see my partner crying, and I have no idea what is happening. I ask the nurse close to me if they can leave on his vernix and not cut the umbilical cord into I say so.
If you like this podcast, please subscribe, share your favorite insight on Instagram, and don't forget to tag me. If you have anyone in mind who need to hear this story, share the podcast link with friends or family. Do you want more? Go to to get my TOOLKiDs, watch my TEDx, or join my online community. I hope to see you in the next episode!
When I want to stand up from the birthing ball, I feel a flood of water between my legs. I look at my partner how sits next to me and say “OMG, I think my water just broke. Get me a glass.” He jumps up and in panic he hands me a pan. “No, I need small glass!”. He runs back to the kitchen and brings me a glass that I hold between my legs to catch some of my water.
If you like this podcast, please subscribe, share your favorite insight on Instagram, and don't forget to tag me. If you have anyone in mind who need to hear this story, share the podcast link with friends or family. Do you want more? Go to to get my TOOLKiDs, watch my TEDx, or join my online community. I hope to see you in the next episode!
We hear so many stories about pre-birth. But almost never about the journey leading up to the pregnancy. How did I prepare myself? What did I change in terms of my mindset? How did my partner and I get on the same page? In this two parts episode, I will share my personal journey of pre-pregnancy. Something that isn't discussed so much and seems to be a topic considered private. We always hear stories about life after giving birth. But we rarely share stories about the process leading up to it.
So let's change that. Because I know there are many women (and men) struggling with the question itself: "Do I want to bring a child into this world?" - I am recording this for you in the hope that it will inspire you. Because I know this topic comes with a lot of self-doubt or insecurity about making 'the right decision'.
If you like this podcast, please subscribe, share your favourite insight on Instagram and don't forget to tag me. If you have anyone in mind that need to hear this story, share the podcast link with friends or family. Do you want more? Go to to get my TOOLKiDs, watch my TEDx or join my online community. I hope to see you in the next episode!
We hear so many stories about pre-birth. But almost never about the journey leading up to the pregnancy. How did I prepare myself? What did I change in terms of my mindset? How did my partner and I get on the same page? In this two parts episode, I will share my personal journey of pre-pregnancy. Something that isn't discussed so much and seems to be a topic considered private. We always hear stories about life after giving birth. But we rarely share stories about the process leading up to it.
So let's change that. Because I know there are many women (and men) struggling with the question itself: "Do I want to bring a child into this world?" - I am recording this for you in the hope that it will inspire you. Because I know this topic comes with a lot of self-doubt or insecurity about making 'the right decision'.
If you like this podcast, please subscribe, share your favourite insight on Instagram and don't forget to tag me. If you have anyone in mind that need to hear this story, share the podcast link with friends or family. Do you want more? Go to to get my TOOLKiDs, watch my TEDx or join my online community. I hope to see you in the next episode!
In this episode: The strategy I discovered when I felt it was time for a BIG change in my life and how you can use that strategy in your life.
In this Episode: A short introduction about me and an invitation to take a walk with me.
In deze podcast hoor je het interview bij Radio Vlaardingen over mijn bedrijven NOW school & Brand it forward en de online cursus die ik sinds kort aanbied.
'Juliette Schraauwers is oprichter van brand it forward & NOWschool. Ze studeerde in 2012 af aan de Design Academy Eindhoven Man & Communication. Met meer dan 10 jaar ervaring in duurzame & sociale merkstrategie en design weet ze hoe ze echte verandering kan creëren.
Dankzij haar brede interesse wordt zij als het ware onderdeel van de organisatie en de problemen ziet zij als uitdagingen waar altijd een oplossing voor is. Ze werkt parttime vanuit Nederland en een deel van het jaar vanuit het buitenland of onderweg in haar zelfbouw Camper-kantoor.'
Leuk dat je luistert naar deze podcast, ik deel hier mijn ervaringen rondom duurzaam leven & ondernemen.
Wat is de reputatie die jij met jouw eigen merk of organisatie achter wilt laten? En doe je dat?
Door van binnenuit een Branding Strategie te ontwikkelen. Alleen dan kunnen we ons merk in het grote plaatje zien, hoe we met alles verbonden zijn en gaan we daardoor automatische duurzame keuzes maken. Want we snappen immers wat onze impact is op onszelf, de ander en de wereld.
Mocht je nu denken, ik wil hier iets mee voor mijn eigen bedrijf of voor de organisatie waar ik werk. Ik bied trajecten voor organisatie, een DIY online cursus en branding retreats voor ondernemers. Dit kun je allemaal terugvinden onder
In deze podcast deel ik mijn ervaring rondom duurzaam leven en ondernemen. Deze keer neem ik je mee op reis in onze zoektocht naar minder bezit en meer beleven. Wat betekend een huis voor je? Waar ontleen je je status aan? Waar wordt je echt gelukkig van? Allemaal vragen die bij mij naar boven kwamen nadat we ons droomhuis hadden gekocht.
"Tot dat we voor een paarden schuur stonden en er een briefje op de deur hing met ‘te huur’ en een telefoonnummer. Ik dacht meteen Ja! Hier gaan we wonen, we verbouwen het een beetje en dan leggen we een moestuin aan. Ik belde het nummer en kreeg een dame aan de lijn die heel hard moest lachen en zei; ‘De schuur is echt alleen bedoelt voor paarden, maar toevallig is mijn vader de zolder van zijn schuur aan het ombouwen tot appartementje.’ "
The podcast currently has 10 episodes available.