In this episode, Ganel-Lyn interviews Alisa Van Langeveld, (aka Dr. Van), adjunct professor of Family Studies at the University of Utah. Together, the two discuss the importance of communication and connection, especially within families.
After years of study and research, Alisa has come to believe that the most important thing for parents’ success is connection. She defines connection as feeling seen and understood, and says that a successful connection will show another person the following things:
- I see you
- I understand
- You matter
Remember that nonverbal communication matters. These are things like eye contact, facial expressions, tone of voice, and paraverbals (sounds we make that are not words). If the nonverbal and verbal communication do not match, the nonverbal will win every time.
When we are distracted or multi-tasking, we are effectively communicating to others that they are not important or do not matter to us. We need to give the people we love our full focus and attention.
Alisa says, “...In our most important relationships, we [must] take the time to connect deliberately and completely.” She also explains that daily, short connection is more powerful and impactful than the longer connection times that we may get, like on family trips.
Alisa also discusses her new project, “10 Minutes Together,” a challenge that encourages parents to connect with each child, one-on-one for ten minutes of every day. She believes that ten minutes is long enough to make a real impact, but short enough to make the time for it consistently. She attests that doing this will change every relationship in the family. Children will exude more happiness and gratitude, and less conflict will arise among siblings. She gives seven steps for making this venture successful, and directs that the time should be child-led.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, and worried that you will not be able to succeed in this challenge, remember that perfection is not required, just be consistent and you will see results.
Ganel-Lyn and Alisa leave listeners with the final message: All connection matters. Every little bit of time with those we love matters. If you have experienced a disconnection, circle back and start over. Learn to reconnect.
You learn more about Alisa and her project by joining the 10 Minutes Together Community on Facebook or by searching 10minutestogether on Instagram.
The ReConnect Podcast is produced by Anasazi Foundation. Anasazi Foundation is a wilderness therapy program for at-risk youth, and our mission is to help turn hearts homeward. Learn more about us at You may also find inspiration in reading our book, The Five Legends.