Hello Moms,
Can you believe we are in the last day of 2022? I can't believe I am 1 week away from meeting my new bundle of joy. Pregnancy during these last weeks before the due date has been painful. I do not remember this with the other 3 and I don't like it here. The pressure, the heartburn, and the feeling like I can't do nothing is enough for me. Please pray for me and baby boy if you think of us.
In this week's episode, I'm discussing the devastating news that comes with finding out your baby will not live a "normal or perfect " life. We don't realize it but we are so hurt because we have to mourn the life we expected for our baby and this is very similar to the 5 stages of death.
Don't worry Mom these Tips will help you take everything one day at a time. You will soon have a " New Normal" that you will adapt to and you will feel so thankful and blessed. Remember you are not alone and it's okay to feel angry and frustrated but always remember to put your hope in God.
So Grab Those Medical Supplies and Check- In for Your Weekly Dose of Encouragement!
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Download our DIY Important Facts Slide Template-This DIY Template Slide lets you discuss your child's diagnosis, how to care for them, important contacts, what to do in case of emergency, and more. It gives you Peace Of Mind while your child is at school, with a caregiver, or doing sports. Anyone will feel more equipped when watching your warrior.
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