Special Guest: Rev. Steve McCoy, First UMC of Grand Rapids
Pastor Mike Desotell: Pastor at Trinity UMC of Grand Rapids, MI
Pastor Bri Desotell: Pastor at St. Paul's UMC of Grand Rapids, MI
Pope 😝 Paul Reissmann IV: Pastor at Central UMC in Lake Odesa, MI
Pastor Jeremy Williams: Pastor at Aldersgate UMC in Grand Rapids, MI
Recent Sermons: bit.ly/TrinityTube - Pastor Mike www.grstpaulsumc.org - Pastor Bri www.facebook.com/LakeOCentralUMC/videos/?ref=page_internal - Pastor Paul You can connect with us at Facebook.com/therevsumc The views expressed in this podcast by Pastor Mike, Pastor Bri, Pastor Paul, or any guests do not necessarily reflect the views of their churches or denominations. Everyone on the podcast acknowledges the great divide that exists in our world currently and, while they will be true to their own thoughts and beliefs on this podcast, they are committed to serving within the context of their congregations to the best of their abilities.
RevCast Intro/Outro: Upbeat Funk Pop by Scott Holmes Music is licensed under an Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. (Shortened and faded)