The Unseen Algorithm that Governs the Natural and is Actually what Creates your Physical Reality as a Kingdom Woman in Business…..
Where a Filter Doesn’t Help you.
Where an engagement Group doesn’t support you.
Where Fake Influence Doesn’t Fool anyone.
Where time Doesn’t exist.
Where Power is in the Tongue.
Where Atmospheres & Results are shifted by Energy.
Where Strongholds are Broken from Prayer & Mediatating on the Word.
The Unseen Algorithm effects….
Who You Attract in Real Life & Social Media regardless of experience, photos, niche, history, & age.
Who Follows You in Real Life & Social.
How Fast you Collapse Time or Sit in the Same place for Years.
The Unseen Algorithm is your Connection to the Supernatural.
It is a state of being & operating.
It runs through and around you.
It doesn’t abide by logic or science.
It is a Government over the Natural.
The ways to Access it are….
Shifting Your Self-Image.
Meditating on the Living Word.
God Created you to be High Voltage Power on this Earth & Do Supernatural things.
It’s kinda hard to do Supernatural things if you are still playing by the Natural.
Here is your sign today, The Spiritual is the strategy🖤.
Done living Passively & ready to hold your Power and actually build from the self-image God Created you to Have send me a DM to work with me the rest of 2021 where I walk you through 4 Stages to Refine your Self-Image & Brand to be Powerful.
Stage 1: Self-Image. Gaining Clarity on who God actually see’s you as and what your Spiritual Gifts are to serve the world.
Stage 2: Prayer Life. It’s time to Command your Days & have Connection to the Supernatural. Remove Strongholds & limitations.
Stage 3: Brand Refinement. Now you know who you actually are, what you are equipped with, you can Build a Brand. If you don’t know who you are, you should never be branding😕.
Stage 4: Learn to Reap your Harvest. Master the Energy of Expectancy & Calling in your People. No more just showing up, it’s time to Be Fruitful
Ready to Decide to Take your Life & Biz to the Next Level?
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