Boldness in 2022 doesn’t just include action out there in the world, but more importantly Health taking place inside the body you use every day. Over the past 2 years the world has been turned upside-down. What was understood very clearly yesterday — somehow is no longer clear today. The information from the TOP — DOWN, continues to have so many inconsistencies with the known data —- all of a sudden it clicked in my mind — and that is — The data NEVER MATTERED.
The past two years have been hell for most people, as they watched their businesses and independence get ripped out from underneath them. And here we are two years later — and we are still pretending that masks work, the vaccines are the only treatment for Covid19, and that therapeutics like — HCQ, Ivermectin, and/or Regeneron — are systematically becoming scarce. The 3 letter agencies, the Biden Administration, along with many other international agencies (WHO) continue to double down and silence anyone with who they disagree (regardless of what the DATA says).
YOU – are responsible for your own health and the health of your children. How this, Biden White House, any many other governments think they KNOW what is best for you and your family is OUTRAGEOUS. Furthermore, Majority of Primary Doctors and Specialist around the country have been limited to what it is they are capable of prescribing — taking the CONTROL away from Your local doctor — and placing that power in the hands of a few.
We are in an information (dis-information) WAR. The only problem is: What happens when the “TRUSTED” sources become the pushers of dis-information and propaganda? Who police’s the Police?
Come along with me on this journey, and see if you also are feeling the burn, and smacking your head against the wall in disgust.
TRUST ME YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Lets drop the FAKE divisions that have been created by (your CIA and 3-Letter agencies ). Throw away your Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube accounts — and lets reunite on better platforms with better conversations, where you can have unfiltered, non-censored interactions which allows everyone to get involved.
I will say it once, I will say it a hundred times…. The games you see are a product of your CIA. All roads lead back to Brennan. But the most important question that needs to be asked and answered honestly in America today is the question of:
Who are you NOT allowed to speak of in the negative light?
Which group has the biggest STRANGLE HOLD on our American Government? (Follow the money, and you will see who has the influence)
Below is the video that I highly recommended you watch if you want to get your head around the medical tyranny going on behind the scenes. Dr P. Kory does an amazing job at articulating how corrupt these agencies have become.
PLEASE FOLLOW ME on GETTR: @davidrollman and lets keep sharing the TRUTH together. I may not always be right — but that is why we work better when we work together. It’s not about being right — rather it’s about getting it right. So I am willing to be wrong just to have the conversations so we can get it all out on the table.
I am fighting for your right to speak, your right to choose, and your children’s right to live in a world free from tyranny — but this only happens if we work together.
Namaste my friends, please share the message.
Dr Kory explains the Corruption and games being played within our 3 – letter agencies, and health care system. (Evidence, Data, and Science, based analysis). MUST LISTEN.
Example of Medical Tyranny and how Big Pharma/Big Business manipulates the Information you are allowed to see. (THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED)
The post 055 – “Health for sale in 2022, the fall of Fauci and the medical tyranny in America” – Podcast Episode appeared first on THE ROLLMAN REVOLUTION audio PODCAST.