Chaim and I do another study on the quadrant model. Chaim told me he wants to invite many other people to study the quadrant model. He described how Jews like to have Minyan's at least ten people studying at one time. We want to shoot for that but hopefully I would like to teach quadrant model to the whole world and the whole world acknowledge it as the theory of everything
Chaim and I already talked about Schumacher and Aristotle's four levels of being, mineral, vegetal, animal, and human, as well as Joseph Campbell's four stages of religion, animal spirit, mother goddess, patriarchal, and axial. We also talked about the four world religions, Buddhism is air, Christianity is water, Islam is Earth, and Hinduism is fire. According to sociologists Judaism is not the fifth world religion because it does not proselytize, and there are only four. Today we talk about Omi and Winant's model of the four races that I learned in my sociology class at UCSD- the "racial positioning model". I discuss how Asian corresponds to air, White corresponds to water, Black corresponds to Earth, and Brown corresponds to fire. I briefly mention Nolan's four political ideologies, communism is air, fascism is water, capitalism is Earth, and libertarianism is fire. We also discuss Fisher's four brain chemical types, estrogen, serotonin, dopamine, and testosterone and Myers and Briggs four personality types.