We are so excited to have Julianna Curtis on the podcast. How to navigate family, kids, and The Energy Barre - currently a four-studio operation North of Boston with a budding virtual studio via Vimeo.
About Julianna
What started as a small side gig has blossomed into so much more over the course of five years and I feel lucky everyday to pursue a career that allows my heart to be in the drivers seat. I’ve made about a million mistakes as a small business owner, but it turns out mistakes are the greatest teachers, so I feel fortunate for all of those, too!
Just as the studio’s footprint on fitness on the North Shore has evolved and grown, so has my way of running this business. I don’t do this all on my own, I’ve got a team of incredible people each with unique talents working on building a dream that was once just my own (and is now shared)! While this business is still and will always be run from my heart -- with lots of hopes and prayers -- it feels great to have a team of people in roles that fuel their own fire and we all work together as passionate movers and shakers!
There was a time when I knew almost every client by name, and would recognize them on the street, or in the super market. I hold those days dear to my heart because knowing you, helping you, and creating a place where you feel safe to come as you are and encouraged to grow as you will is important to me. Those days are gone, so now I turn to social media to connect and get to know the many faces of our community here. To share with you all who I am, make sure to follow along @the_energy_barre and @julianna_theenergybarre. I feel fortunate to know so many of you, and hope to meet so many more. If our paths happen to cross, please stop and introduce yourself!
I am a business owner. I am a teacher. I am a student. I believe in the power of the universe, of positive thought, and self-creation. I believe in taking risks and getting uncomfortable and self-reflection. I believe in myself and I believe in people. I love pretty big and that love is fueled at home by my husband and my son. I wrote next to my photo in my high school yearbook, “I’ll still be dreaming.” and if given the chance, I would still write the same thing.
When you enter the studio or visit our page, I want you to see and feel me, my heart, my family - the pieces of my life that push me to get out of bed in the morning and continue to build this place into something greater. When you enter the studio, I want you to see the faces of our team, their hearts, their families and the pieces of their lives that drive them to make this place what it is - The Energy Barre!
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[email protected] Thanks to PFM Media for production, audio engineering and management.