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By Dr. Gastrid Harrigan
1717 ratings
The podcast currently has 38 episodes available.
In this episode, I discuss 7 Things Effective School Leaders Do Over the Summer. Summer is here. While schools are closed for the summer, most school leaders and principals are working over the summer. It is important then to catch your breath and recharge your leadership battery.
Although the work never stops, recharging your leadership battery and creating margin are very important to your leadership development and longevity. You need to stop and recharge.
John Maxwell, in his book The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, reminded us of the “Law of the Lid,” which states that your leadership ability determines your potential to be effective. Having a commitment to growth and personal improvement is the only way to improve as a leader.
John said, “Once a leader improves his or her life, then everybody within their sphere of influence, their lives improve.”
As school leaders, how you spend your summer months could define how effective you are in the new school year.
As you listen, pay close attention to the 7 things effective school leaders and principals do over the summer to prepare for the next school year.
I hope you enjoyed today’s episode. Please subscribe to the podcast, leave a 5-star rating, and a positive comment! Share this episode with a friend and on social media. Join The School Leader’s Podcast on Facebook. Connect with me on Twitter & Instagram at @DrGHarrigan, and Facebook & LinkedIn at Gastrid Harrigan for leadership tips and ideas. Visit the website at, read the monthly blog, and sign-up for our free newsletter. If you are interested in being featured on the podcast, contact me at [email protected].
In this episode, I discuss 5 Mini Habits to Become a Better Leader. James Clear, Atomic Habits, says change doesn’t have to be huge, dramatic, or instantaneous. James explained that if you “get just 1% better each day, you’ll end up with results that are nearly 37x better after one year.” As leaders, we can cultivate and develop mini habits that will make us better leaders. 37x better in one year, according to James Clear.
As you listen, pay close attention to the 5 mini habits to develop and cultivate to become a better.
I hope you enjoyed today’s episode. Please subscribe to the podcast, leave a 5-star rating, and a positive comment! Share this episode with a friend and on social media. Join The School Leader’s Podcast on Facebook. Connect with me on Twitter & Instagram at @DrGHarrigan, and Facebook & LinkedIn at Gastrid Harrigan for leadership tips and ideas. Visit the website at, read the monthly blog, and sign-up for our free newsletter. If you are interested in being featured on the podcast, contact me at [email protected].
In this episode, I discuss how to Unlock Your Leadership Potential by focusing on 10 Strategies for Growth. John Maxwell, 15 Laws of Growth, stated that the 1st Law of Growth is The Law of Intentionality – Growth doesn’t happen by chance. You must make it happen. To grow as a leader, you must make it happen. You must constantly sharpen your axe.
As you listen, pay close attention to the 10 strategies for growth and make this year your best year ever.
I hope you enjoyed today’s episode. Please subscribe to the podcast, leave a 5-star rating, and a positive comment! Share this episode with a friend and on social media. Join The School Leader’s Podcast on Facebook. Connect with me on Twitter & Instagram at @DrGHarrigan, and Facebook & LinkedIn at Gastrid Harrigan for leadership tips and ideas. Visit the website at, read the monthly blog, and sign-up for our free newsletter. If you are interested in being featured on the podcast, contact me at [email protected].
In this episode, I discuss 5 Things to Stop Doing as a Leader. The late great management thinker Peter Drucker said: “We spend a lot of time teaching our leaders what to do. We don’t spend enough time teaching them what to stop.” As you write down your new year resolutions, goals, and ideas for growth to strengthen your leadership practices and skills, I suspect Peter Drucker would encourage you to stop doing a few things.
As you listen, pay close attention to the things you should stop doing to reach your personal goals, grow beyond your limit, and make this year your best year ever.
I hope you enjoyed today’s episode. Please subscribe to the podcast, leave a 5-star rating, and a positive comment! Share this episode with a friend and on social media. Join The School Leader’s Podcast on Facebook. Connect with me on Twitter & Instagram at @DrGHarrigan, and Facebook & LinkedIn at Gastrid Harrigan for leadership tips and ideas. Visit the website at, read the monthly blog, and sign-up for our free newsletter. If you are interested in being featured on the podcast, contact me at [email protected].
In this episode, I discuss Focus: Tips to Eliminate Distractions. I will share three tips to reduce or eliminate distractions and focus on what you want more this year. For many leaders, the problem isn’t a lack of time. The problem is a lack of focus. As you listen, pay close attention to how to refocus on what matters most.
Distractions come in all shapes and sizes, so let’s look at how to overcome distractions in three steps.
I hope you enjoyed today’s episode. Please subscribe to the podcast, leave a 5-star rating, and comment! Share this episode with a friend and on social media. Join The School Leader’s Podcast on Facebook. Connect with me on Twitter & Instagram at @DrGHarrigan, and Facebook & LinkedIn at Gastrid Harrigan for leadership tips and ideas. Visit the website at, read the monthly blog, and sign-up for our free newsletter. If you are interested in being featured on the podcast, contact me at [email protected].
In this episode, I discuss Leading with Gratitude. As you listen, pay close attention to the benefits of living a grateful life and 5 habits that will help you lead with gratitude.
To lead with gratitude, every leader should practice these
I hope you enjoyed today’s episode. Please subscribe to the podcast, leave a 5-star rating, and comment! Share this episode with a friend and on social media. Join The School Leader’s Podcast on Facebook. Connect with me on Twitter & Instagram at @DrGHarrigan, and Facebook & LinkedIn at Gastrid Harrigan for leadership tips and ideas. Visit the website at, read the monthly blog, and sign-up for our free newsletter. If you are interested in being featured on the podcast, contact me at [email protected].
In this episode, I shared Leadership Landmines and How to Avoid Them. As you listen, pay close attention to each leadership landmine and strategies to avoid stepping on them.
These are the landmines every school leader should avoid.
I hope you enjoyed today’s episode. Please subscribe to the podcast, leave a 5-star rating, and comment! Share this episode with a friend and on social media. Join The School Leader’s Podcast on Facebook. Connect with me on Twitter & Instagram at @DrGHarrigan, and Facebook & LinkedIn at Gastrid Harrigan for leadership tips and ideas. Visit the website at, read the monthly blog, and sign-up for our free newsletter. If you are interested in being featured on the podcast, contact me at [email protected].
In this episode, I shared 6 Tips for Aspiring School Leaders. As you listen, examine yourself and consider these tips and areas for improvement.
As you start on your leadership journey, consider
I hope you enjoyed today’s episode. Please subscribe to the podcast, leave a 5-star rating, and comment! Share this episode with a friend and on social media. Join The School Leader’s Podcast on Facebook. Connect with me on Twitter & Instagram at @DrGHarrigan, and Facebook & LinkedIn at Gastrid Harrigan for leadership tips and ideas. Visit the website at, read the monthly blog, and sign-up for our free newsletter. If you are interested in being featured on the podcast, contact me at [email protected].
In this episode, I shared 10 Tips for New Principals. If you are a newly appointed principal, Congratulations! I am proud of you. I know you are excited and ready to lead your school to make it a better learning environment for students.
As you start your 1st year as a new principal or a veteran principal in a new building, consider these tips.
I hope you enjoyed today’s episode. Please subscribe to the podcast, leave a 5-star rating, and comment! Share this episode with a friend and on social media. Join The School Leader’s Podcast on Facebook. Connect with me on Twitter & Instagram at @DrGHarrigan, and Facebook & LinkedIn at Gastrid Harrigan for leadership tips and ideas. Visit the website at, read the monthly blog, and sign-up for our free newsletter. If you are interested in being featured on the podcast, contact me at [email protected].
In this episode, I shared 10 Tips for New Assistant Principals. If you are a newly appointed assistant principal, Congratulations! I am proud of you. I know you are excited and ready to work alongside your principal to turn your school around or scale it up to a make it a better learning environment for students.
As you start your 1st year as a new assistant principal or a veteran assistant principal in a new building, consider these tips.
I hope you enjoyed today’s episode. Please subscribe to the podcast, leave a 5-star rating, and comment! Share this episode with a friend and on social media. Join The School Leader’s Podcast on Facebook. Connect with me on Twitter & Instagram at @DrGHarrigan, and Facebook & LinkedIn at Gastrid Harrigan for leadership tips and ideas. Visit the website at, read the monthly blog, and sign-up for our free newsletter. If you are interested in being featured on the podcast, contact me at [email protected].
The podcast currently has 38 episodes available.