In this episode we have a returning guest Wes Wilson. As you may recall in our previous episode, Wes is a scientist who is using the immune system to fight certain types of cancer. He still is but in a time of the novel coronavirus, things have changed. Wes tells us how the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has affected cancer research, how it has affected the treatment of cancer patients, and the scientists involved in this research.
Wes also gives us an update on what he has been doing as a science communicator and some of his upcoming scicomm projects, one of which is a new YouTube channel where they talk to cancer patients and help them along their journey and they talk about treatments, myths, fears, and what others should know as they undergo their own cancer journey. As you may recall, Wes is also the host of the Mostly Science podcast
- Follow Wes on Twitter: @wesleywilson and @MostlyScience
- Check the Mostly Science Blog
- Check the Mostly Science Podcast
- Check out Tumor Talk on YouTube
- Follow Mostly Science on Facebook
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