We talked to a an audience comprised (generally) of non-skeptics about what skepticism is, then gave some examples of scientists and skeptics in pop culture, such as our 'god' of the week ('Doubting Thomas'), and also Dr. House, RIck (and Morty!), Andrew Ryan (from Bioshock), Batman/Iron Man, and more!
Support the show: http://patreon.com/tSEpodcast!
Why We Love the Internet: Skeptical Podcasts, YouTubers, and Facebook Pages
George Hrab for the inspiration behind this episode
Skeptics Guide to the Universe
Skeptics with a K (Michael Marshall)
Science-Based Medicine Blog
League of Nerds/Myles Power on YouTube
Facebook: Scibabe, Credible Hulk, Debunking Denialism, Do you even science bro
Friendly Atheist/Hemant Mehta, Tracey Moody, Faisal Saeed Al Mutar (now we’re just listing our friends I guess)
Atheist Republic
Andrew Seidel/FFRF
David Silverman/American Atheists
A Science Enthusiast & Skeptical Parenting (and a bunch others at http://patreon.com/aScienceEnthusiast)
Science Moms
Thank our incredible patrons for continuing to support our work, and give an extra-special shoutout to Jeff (social media director for the #NormalizeAtheism campaign) who actually drove six HOURS to see us to this thing today!