4. Ní hAnsae: Chantal Kobel
Early Irish Program at TCD
Archival Studies and Record Management at UCD
PhD - Kobel, Chantal, “A critical editon of Aided Chonchobair ‘The violent death of Conchobar’: with translation, textual notes and bibliography”, PhD thesis: Trinity College Dublin, Department of Irish and Celtic Studies, 2015.
Talk on Book of Ballycumin – ‘“A Few Trifling Exceptions”: Ignored Texts in RIA MS 23 N 10’, given at “A little remnant of the work of the ancients" 23 N 10: the Book of Ballycummin”, 8th April 2019
Catalogue - ‘A descriptive catalogue of TCD MS H 3. 18 (1337), vols 2-4, pp. 1-87: “Máel Íosa's Book”’, Celtica 32 (2020), 187-215.
Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, MS 23 N 10 (Book of Ballycummin) – on ISOS.
Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, MS 1339 (Book of Leinster) – on ISOS.
Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, MS
Edinburgh, National Library of Scotland, Adv. MS 72.1.40 – on ISOS.
Edinburgh, National Library of Scotland, Adv. MS 72.1.5 – on ISOS.
Corthals, Johan [ed.], “The retoiric in Aided Chonchobuir”, Ériu 40 (1989): 41–59.
Meyer, Kuno [ed. and tr.], The death-tales of the Ulster heroes, Todd Lecture Series 14, Dublin: Royal Irish Academy, 1906.
Talland Étair: Ó Dónaill, Caoimhín [ed. and tr.], Talland Étair, Maynooth Medieval Irish Texts 4, Maynooth: Department of Old and Middle Irish, National University of Ireland, 2005.
Read, Anthony, The Faddan More Psalter: Discovery, Conservation and Investigation, Dublin: National Museum of Ireland, 2011.
Gillis, John, Online lecture on Faddan More Psalter
Inspiration outside of Academia:
Antoni Tàpies: https://fundaciotapies.org/en/biography/ (biography) https://fundaciotapies.org/en/blog/lobjecte/ (objects)
"the emotion of opening a book, of gradually discovering its contents, what lives inside, has something of a ritual..."
Bechbretha ‘Bee Judgements’
D. A. Binchy’s Corpus Iuris Hibernici
Liam Breatnach’s Companion to the Corpus Iuris Hibernici
SCS’s Journal Celtica
Irish Script on Screen, run by Anne Marie O’Brien: www.isos.dias.ie
Bibliography of Irish Linguistics and Literature (BILL) run by Alexandre Guilarte: https://bill.celt.dias.ie/