Google, YouTube, Facebook are the names that we come across a lot of ties if not daily. Have you ever wondered how such companies were built and you can build too? That's what we explore in this episode of the self-improvement addicts.
Hey! I'm back and I'm alive! I'm sorry for being away from podcasting this while. I also appreciate the improvers fam in which we have more than a hundred people. You too can become a part of this family and have meaningful conversations with me. Moreover, you are helping me to make content that you wanna watch. Join my email list here or go to to join. I'm soo eager to have conversations with you.
Here are the takeaways from this episode:
- To make a company like Google or Facebook or maybe amazon you'll need to build something that was not already out there .i.e. you'll need to innovate.
- What to innovate? We need to innovate something in a field that interests you and you won't be bored with. But how do we find that? Here is a quick list of how to do that:
1. Try new stuff.
2. Write down your experience
3. Try to picture yourself doing that thing for 10 years straight. Can you be able to do that? If yes then that's what you should go for.
- Now that we know what to innovate; let's find how to innovate.
- To innovate we need to brainstorm. But, what is brainstorm?
- brainstorm is the process in which we rush through our brain to find any idea possible
- Before going in and actually brainstorming we need to cover some prerequisites of brainstorming:
1. Ask the right question. You can do this by the following method:
1.1 Say “Why”
Eg: Let’s say that you want to plan a surprise for someone special. So, you ask yourself why do we surprise people. Then you might come across that we plan surprises to make the person feel special.
2. Define the problem: Something that Einstein used to say was “ I spend 95% of the time defining the right problem and 5% solving it” So you need to define problem from every aspect i.e. Consumers POV , etc.
- Now let's come to the real brainstorming procedure:
1. write down any ideas related to that(even if they are crazy)
2. Choose one: How do you do that? Basically you make something that is practical yet innovative. What I mean by practical is that something that already has infrastructure. Try to imagine space X without rockets. Yeah!!.. Now you get.
Creator of the week - Ali Abdaal go to or search YouTube for Ali abdaal.
Thank you I hope to see you in the next episode again don't forget to join the email list.
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