In this heartfelt episode of the Shining Beautiful Series, join yourt host, Katherine Carol as she shares her deeply personal journey of finding a place for both her and Mikelle in her daughter Mikelle's building.
As an aging caregiver, Katherine opens up about her emotional and practical journey, from the difficult decision-making process to the joy and relief of finding a welcoming the question of how do Mikelle and Katherine thrive as they age.
Katherine shares steps to ensure her new future home met her needs and still allows her to support Mikelle as they prepare for the day, Katherine can know Mikelle is set up for a life on her own.
This episode dives into broader themes of aging, caregiving, and community, providing insights and inspiration for those in similar situations. Whether you're an aging caregiver, supporting a loved one, or interested in stories of resilience and community, Katherine's story offers valuable lessons and hope.
Listen in as Katherine recounts her experiences, The creative solutions she and Mikelle discussed and the challenges she overcame, and the joy she discovered in her new home.
Don't miss this touching and uplifting episode on finding a home and the strength of the community. Listen now on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.