The Sleazy Rock N’ Roll Show is joined by Jetboy’s wearer of awesome T-shirts and all round guitar hero, Billy Rowe for a chat about the good old days of Hollywood’s Sunset Strip. We spin some tunes and get stories about Lemmy, Sam Yaffa and Stiv Bators. Billy shows amazing restraint when the subject of record companies comes up, but gets all excited about the fact he has just seen Aerosmith at a time when we all thought they were down the shitter.
Because of the interview with Billy lasting longer than expected, we didn’t get to play quite as many songs as originally planned, so this is only PART 1 – part 2 will be out very soon and will be dedicated to playing some real lost gems…. from the likes of Rock City Angels, The Joneses and the Hangmen through to Kill For Thrills, Tuff and if I can ever find any, the mighty Wet Cherri (oh yeah, and some more Jetboy)
You can see (and more importantly, buy) the guitars that Billy relics at: As he mentioned, he is currently doing one for Metallica’s James Hetfield, whilst many other great and good rock stars have found themselves stopping by to pick up some amazing looking guitars.