This audio is available in the UK, US, Canada, Australia and India as a Flash Briefing on @amazonecho devices and the #Alexa app (even without a device), as well as Spotify and Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.
Search for “The Smart Speakers”.
The links referred to are at:
Also check out my 28 Day Flash Briefing Briefing - a step-by-step course in building a better briefing for your brand or business or self. It’s available in the Alexa Skills store
Produced by Peter Stewart (@TweeterStewart)
Also check out my other daily podcast GET A BETTER BROADCAST, PODCAST AND VIDEO VOICE - top talking tips if you use a microphone at work or home.
#voice #voicefirst #voiceAI #smartspeakers #Alexa #flashbriefing #WomenInVoice #AI #VUI #FlashBriefing #FlashBriefings #podcasts #technology #AlexaLive #Echo #smarthome