Learnings from this episode:
"Take a risk on a low risk moment" - post your more creative/ out of the box content ideas during smaller scale social media 'events' or 'holidays' like March Madness, national theme days, etc to see how your audience will respond. If it does well, that's a great tactic for increasing brand awareness! For example, my ideas around March Madness were:
A skincare brand could tap their audience of social followers to vote on it’s "star players" for an all star product team - anyone who voted could be entered into a giveaway to win the final “team” of products
A brand launching a new product could have followers submit their product name suggestions and then create an interactive bracket to vote on to choose the final name
Great quote from Hootsuite: “Creating positive brand moments using interesting content creates connection, and makes people feel like they’re part of your brand”