Have you ever felt like you are the ONLY ONE who experiences those paralyzing feelings of overwhelm? You feel like you are doing everything alone and with no help...you are the one that shows up for everyone else, but are left to carry the bulk of everyone else's responsibilities.
You are the fix it friend, the go to girl, the advice giver...but that is sooo draining for you, you never have time to work on your own mental health or personal needs.
In this episode I be break down:
1. The 2 types of overwhelm
2. Simple strategies you can do to begin taking an inventory your overwhelm, who's stuff you're carrying and what to do about it
3. How to release those responsibilities and stop procrastinating, so you are able to leave more time for yourself.
I mentioned my 5 Key Steps to Mastering Overwhelm audio and guide in this episode. It can be dowloaded here
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